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Tina Joslin’s 10,000th Day Milestone

Tina's 10,000th Day Celebration
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The PLG family is celebrating the wonderful Tina Joslin who has been with our firm for an impressive 10,000 days! Patterson Law Group would not be all that it is today without the commitment and kindness of this great woman over the years.

Please help us show her how much she is loved and appreciated!

1. Record a quick video letting Tina know what she means to you.

2. Make a contribution to The Moncrief Cancer Institute in support of our $10,000 fundraising goal (PLG will match up to $5,000 in total donations)! Tina’s requested for the donation to be made in loving memory of Osvaldo “Valdo” Ribota whom the PLG family lost to cancer 5 years ago.

3. Like, comment and share our #10daysofTina social series that’s starting today.

Thank you so much for your support!
The PLG Family

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