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San Antonio Sideswipe Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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Do you enjoy the freedom offered by riding your motorcycle? If so, you know the experience is addictive!

However, you are taking on significant risks every time you ride. With your helmet and clothing’s limited protection, serious injuries are likely if an accident occurs. If you’ve been involved in a sideswipe accident in San Antonio, seeking help from a San Antonio sideswipe motorcycle accident lawyer at Patterson Law Group is essential.

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, and sideswipe collisions are especially dangerous for motorcyclists. A sideswipe accident happens when a vehicle moves into the lane of a motorcycle without leaving enough space for it to continue safely.

These accidents often lead to serious injuries due to the vulnerability of motorcyclists on the road. The legal process can be complicated, but having the right support can make all the difference in getting the compensation you deserve.

What Happens in a Sideswipe Motorcycle Accident?

A sideswipe motorcycle accident occurs when a vehicle inadvertently moves into the lane occupied by a motorcycle, often without the driver noticing the rider. Unlike rear-end collisions or head-on crashes, sideswipe accidents typically involve glancing contact. However, this seemingly minor contact can easily cause a motorcycle to lose balance, leading to severe crashes.

Several factors contribute to sideswipe motorcycle accidents. These include:

Abrupt Lane Changes Without Signaling

One of the most common causes of a sideswipe accident is when a driver changes lanes without signaling. This sudden maneuver can catch motorcyclists off guard, leaving them with little time to react and avoid a collision.

Without a warning signal, the motorcyclist may not notice the vehicle moving into their lane until it’s too late, making it challenging to respond in time. Even a small mistake in heavy traffic can cause a serious crash, particularly when motorcyclists are involved.

Failing to Check Mirrors for Motorcycles

Motorcycles are smaller than cars, making them harder to see in a vehicle’s blind spot. When drivers don’t check their mirrors properly, they may overlook a nearby motorcyclist, which can cause to an accident.

Since motorcycles can quickly appear and disappear in a car’s blind spots, it’s crucial for drivers to double-check before changing lanes. Unfortunately, many drivers forget this step, creating dangerous situations for bikers who have little room to maneuver safely.

Inattentive or Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is becoming an increasing issue. Drivers often focus on their phones, GPS, or other distractions instead of the road. When attention is diverted, the risk of a sideswipe accident rises.

Even a quick glance at a phone or adjusting the radio can take a driver’s eyes off the road long enough to miss seeing a motorcyclist next to them. Distractions are especially hazardous because they slow down a driver’s reaction time, putting everyone on the road at risk, including motorcyclists.

Drowsy Driving

Fatigue can slow a driver’s reaction time, causing them to drift into other lanes without realizing it. Drowsy drivers pose a significant risk to motorcyclists on the road.

When drivers are tired, their focus weakens, and they may not even notice when their car starts to swerve into another lane. This can be terrifying for motorcyclists, as they have very little protection if a car drifts into their path.

Drunk or Drugged Driving

Impaired drivers often have difficulty with judgment and coordination, increasing the chances of making unsafe lane changes that can lead to sideswipe accidents. Alcohol or drugs can blur a driver’s vision and slow their decision-making, making them much more likely to cause an accident.

For motorcyclists, encountering a drunk driver on the road can be life-threatening, as even a minor mistake by the driver can have catastrophic consequences for the rider.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), lane-change crashes, including sideswipes, make up a significant portion of yearly motor vehicle accidents. These crashes are particularly dangerous for motorcyclists because they often occur at high speeds with little chance for the rider to react.

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Types of Injuries Sustained in a Sideswipe Motorcycle Accident San Antonio

Motorcyclists involved in sideswipe accidents face a significantly higher risk of injury than drivers in enclosed vehicles. Some common injuries include:

  • Bone Fractures: Broken bones are common in motorcycle accidents, particularly in the arms, legs, and ribs.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): Even with a helmet, motorcyclists can suffer head injuries that may result in long-term cognitive issues.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Injuries to the spine can lead to partial or complete paralysis, drastically affecting a person’s quality of life.
  • Whiplash: The sudden jolt of a sideswipe can cause neck injuries, resulting in pain and limited mobility.
  • Road Rash: When riders slide across the pavement, they can sustain severe skin abrasions known as road rash, which can lead to infections and scarring.
  • Internal Bleeding: Internal injuries may not be immediately visible but can be life-threatening if not treated quickly.
  • Severe Lacerations: Sharp objects and debris from the accident can cause deep cuts, requiring stitches or surgery.

These injuries can be life-altering, leading to expensive medical bills, long-term rehabilitation, and lost wages. That’s why it’s crucial to contact a motorcycle wreck lawyer in San Antonio, Texas, who can help you seek the compensation you need to cover these costs.

Sideswipe Accident Liability

In Texas, proving liability in a motorcycle sideswipe accident typically involves demonstrating negligence. Negligence occurs when one party fails to act with the care a reasonable person would exercise under similar circumstances. To establish negligence, four key elements must be proven:

  • Duty of Care: Drivers are required to follow traffic laws and drive safely.
  • Breach of Duty: Drivers who fail to check their mirrors, signal improperly, or drive while distracted breach their duty of care.
  • Causation: It must be shown that the breach directly caused the accident.
  • Damages: The accident must result in actual damages, such as injuries, medical bills, or lost wages.

When it comes to sideswipe motorcycle accidents, gathering the right evidence is essential to proving liability. Important pieces of evidence include:

  • Witness Testimonies: Individuals who witnessed the accident can provide valuable insights into how the crash occurred.
  • Accident Reconstruction Experts: These professionals can analyze the scene and recreate the accident to determine fault.
  • Investigation Details: Police reports, video footage, and photos of the accident scene can all support the case for liability.

Proving the Driver Was at Fault

Proving that the driver was at fault in a sideswipe motorcycle accident is crucial for winning your case. All elements of negligence must be established, which often involves detailed investigations and careful evidence collection. A San Antonio injury attorney can assist in gathering and organizing this evidence, giving you the best chance of securing the compensation you need for recovery.

At Patterson Law Group, our sideswipe motorcycle accident attorneys in San Antonio are experienced in investigating these cases. We work diligently to ensure that all aspects of your claim are well-supported, providing you with the strongest case against the responsible driver.

When the Motorcyclist Shares Some Fault

In some situations, the motorcyclist may bear some responsibility for the accident. Texas follows a rule known as “comparative fault,” which means that if a motorcyclist is found to be partially at fault, their compensation may be reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to them. For instance, if a motorcyclist is deemed 20% responsible for the accident, they can only recover 80% of the damages.

Even if you are partly to blame for the accident, you can still receive compensation as long as your share of the fault is less than 50%. This is why it’s crucial to work with a motorcycle crash attorney in San Antonio, Texas, who understands the laws surrounding shared fault and can help you minimize its impact on your case.

Contact Our Sideswipe Motorcycle Accident Lawyer San Antonio

Dealing with the aftermath of a sideswipe motorcycle accident can be overwhelming. From medical bills to lost wages, the financial burden can be significant, not to mention the emotional toll of recovering from serious injuries. That’s why it’s essential to contact a San Antonio sideswipe motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible.

At Patterson Law Group, we are here to assist you every step of the way. We handle the legal details so you can focus on your recovery. Our team of experienced injury attorneys understands the unique challenges faced by motorcyclists and works tirelessly to ensure our clients receive the compensation they deserve.

If you’ve been involved in a sideswipe accident, don’t hesitate to seek help. Contact our accident lawyer in San Antonio today to discuss your case and learn more about your legal options. We’re here to support you through every stage of the process, from filing your claim to negotiating a fair settlement.

Motorcycle accidents can be life-changing, but you don’t have to face the aftermath alone. Let our experienced team at Patterson Law Group help you pursue justice and the compensation you need to move forward. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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