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Is It Legal to Drive on the Right Shoulder

Picture this: You’re stuck in traffic, running late, and the right shoulder looks like the perfect escape route. You’ve seen others use it—maybe to bypass congestion, reach an exit, or

What Is a Jackknife Accident?

When you hear about a jackknife accident, you might imagine a massive truck blocking the entire roadway, and that’s exactly what often happens. A jackknife accident is when a truck’s

Who Is Liable for Jaywalking Accidents?

Jaywalking is common in busy cities like Fort Worth. Pedestrians often cross streets outside marked crosswalks, sometimes in a hurry or without looking. But what happens when a car hits

My Wife Wrecked My Car – Am I Liable?

It’s a scenario many don’t think about until it happens—your spouse borrows your car and gets into an accident. The immediate concerns are their safety and the damage to your

Most Dangerous Highways in Texas

Texas has an expansive highway network connecting its diverse cities, towns, and regions. While these roadways are vital to travel and commerce, they are also home to some of the

What Qualifies for Punitive Damages?

When most people think of compensation after an accident, they picture covering medical bills, lost wages, and other tangible losses. But what happens when the at-fault party’s actions are so

How to File a Claim Against an Uninsured Driver

Car accidents are stressful under any circumstances, but the situation can become even more complicated if the other driver is uninsured. In Texas, where liability insurance is a legal requirement,

Is Texas a No-Fault State?

When navigating the aftermath of a car accident in Texas, one important question often arises – “Is Texas a no-fault state?” The answer is no; Texas operates under an “at-fault”

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