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How Fault Is Determined in a Three-Way Car Accident in Texas

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In Texas, fault in a three-way car accident is determined by who caused the accident. Texas is an at-fault state, meaning that anyone who caused an accident is at least partially responsible for it and can be sued for damages resulting from their wrongful actions.  

There can be many factors involved in determining who is at fault in a three-way car accident, so it is essential to have plenty of records and information available if you pursue a personal injury claim.  


Five Steps to Take After a Multiple Car Accident in Texas 

In order to determine fault, there are several things you’ll need to present as evidence. If you hire a personal injury lawyer to help you determine fault in a case and take it to court. There are five steps you’ll want to take after a three-way car accident to ensure the process goes smoothly.  

  1. Call an ambulance for ANY injuries. The most important thing to ensure after an accident is that you and those involved are safe and able to get any necessary medical attention quickly. You’ll also need records of any injuries sustained to determine the amount of damages caused by the at-fault party.  
  1. Call the police. It’s great to have a copy of a Texas police officer’s crash report (CR-3) to help lawyers and the court understand precisely what happened according to the professionals on the scene. The police can also help exchange and gather information from all parties involved in the accident.  
  1. Take notes and photos. You’ll want to remember exactly when, where, and how the accident happened. It can also be helpful to have pictures of injuries and damage to vehicles caused by the accident.  
  1. Gather eyewitness reports. If you call the police, they will likely gather statements from witnesses, but whether or not the police are involved makes sure that you can get the contact information from any witnesses. It will be essential to have their testimonies if you want to pursue a case effectively.  
  1. Get in touch with a personal injury lawyer. To prove who is at fault in a multiple car accident, you’ll need expert help. Contact a Texas personal injury attorney as soon as possible after an accident so they can help you determine fault, deal with insurance companies, and get the settlement you deserve.  

Texas is a Comparative Negligence State 

According to Texas Statute, “a liable defendant is liable to a claimant only for the percentage of the damages found by the trier of fact equal to that defendant’s percentage of responsibility with respect to the personal injury, property damage, death, or other harm for which the damages are allowed.”  

While this sounds complicated, it really means that the person who tries the case (the judge or jury, for example) gets to assign a percentage of fault to each party based on the facts of the case.  

One of the most common reasons for accidents is negligence. Negligence includes a driver’s failure to obey proper laws or conscious decision to act in an unsafe manner. This could include: 

  • Drinking and driving 
  • Under the influence of drugs while driving 
  • Failure to stop at a red light 
  • Turning in front of another car 
  • Running a stop sign 
  • Failing to yield 
  • Any other act in which a driver chooses to perform an action that could lead to injury for another person. 

In Texas, any act of negligence could be considered as fault. Therefore, in a multiple car accident, it is important to carefully examine the facts to decide who has caused the most damage and if others were negligent as well.  

Multiple car accidents in Fort Worth Texas

Here’s How To Obtain the Most For Your Three-Way Car Accident Case 

Determining fault can be a difficult process, but there are several things you can do to maximize the chances of recovering compensation from an accident you were involved in. If you believe others were at fault, keep records, photos, notes, and eyewitness accounts on hand.  

Gather as much of your own information, regardless of whether the police do as well, so that you and your personal injury lawyer can discuss exactly what happened from your first-person perspective. 

Keep calm when you call your insurance company and don’t allow any personal opinion to impact what you say. The most important thing you can do to obtain the most in a three-way accident is to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer.  


Contact a Personal Injury Attorney After a Multi-Car Accident 

If you’ve been involved in a multi-car accident in Texas, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. At Patterson Law Group we are devoted to getting justice for all our clients. We will help you deal with insurance companies, gather necessary evidence, and recover the compensation you deserve after your accident. Reach out today for a free case evaluation we are standing by.  

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