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The Importance of Hiring an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney

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There are many benefits to hiring an experienced truck accident attorney. First, holding trucking companies and insurance carriers accountable after an accident can be overwhelming. Their attorneys and insurance adjusters often offer unreasonably low settlements or deny legitimate claims.

Hiring a Fort Worth truck accident attorney from the Patterson Law Group can help you level the playing field. We could investigate and analyze the accident to determine liability and pursue legal action on your behalf. Trust that we will leverage our considerable resources and experience to fight for your rights after a truck accident. Call today to schedule a free consultation.

Truck accidents are often complicated

Truck cases are often very complex. When trucks crash, it is common for there to be multiple injured parties. Having a large number of plaintiffs can make it challenging to get the compensation you deserve. Additionally, legal issues impact truck accidents that are not found in other personal injury cases. Without the guidance of skilled legal counsel, it might not be possible to maximize your recovery.

Trucking companies are aggressive

Trucking companies, lawyers, and insurance companies are often aggressive in their approach to personal injury cases. They know they have more resources than the average injury victim and are not afraid to use that leverage to settle claims for a fraction of their worth.

An experienced attorney can help ensure you are treated fairly. These defendants will understand that a knowledgeable and hard-working attorney will not be swayed by their bullying tactics.

You only get one chance at compensation

You have one opportunity to pursue fair compensation for your injuries. If you settle your case for less than it is worth, there is no option to come back later and request additional payment.

Moreover, any mistakes made during the process could cost you. For example, if you wait too long to file your lawsuit, you could be time-barred by the statute of limitations. Having a Fort Worth personal injury attorney fighting for you is the best thing you can do to strengthen your case.

Contact the Patterson Law Group for a free consultation

If you are considering a personal injury lawsuit following a truck crash, hiring an experienced team of attorneys is best to maximize the settlement offers you receive. If you have questions about your case, our team at the Patterson Law Group is ready to help. Our attorneys understand how to win truck accident cases, and we look forward to using our skills and experience in your case. Contact us to schedule a free consultation, or visit our Fort Worth office to get started. In addition, we work on a contingency basis, so there are no upfront legal fees.

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