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Texas Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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Millions of Texans enjoy the freedom of getting around on foot, but walking in public areas is not without its risks. The dangers facing pedestrians on Texas streets, roads, parking lots, and other areas are especially high when careless and distracted drivers are present.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident in Texas, Patterson Law Group is here to stand up for your legal rights and financial future. At our firm, an experienced Texas pedestrian accident lawyer will work tirelessly to make sure you obtain the financial resources you need to recover from your injuries and rebuild your life.

Pedestrian Accidents on the Rise in Texas

Crosswalk, button

Pedestrian traffic deaths in Texas are up by 29.6 percent over the last five years. In 2022, there were 5764 pedestrian accidents statewide, including 829 that resulted in death. Why are pedestrian accidents on the rise? According to research by the Texas Department of Transportation, the top causes of pedestrian accidents in Texas are:

  • Pedestrians failing to yield the right of way to motor vehicles
  • Drivers of cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles failing to yield right of way to pedestrians
  • Drivers failing to pay attention to the road
  • Speeding

If you were injured by a careless or inattentive driver, you have important legal rights you should know about. One of the most important things you can do after being injured in a pedestrian accident is talking with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Compensation for Serious Injuries

Pedestrians enjoy none of the safety features drivers of motor vehicles take for granted. Because they are completely unprotected in the event of a crash, pedestrians often suffer severe injuries such as:

  • Fractures: Fractures to arms, legs, pelvises, knees, and other bones can result in severe pain and suffering, impaired mobility, and other hardships. Severely broken bones may take a long time to heal and, in some cases, can result in permanent scarring and disfigurement.
  • Head injuries: In a pedestrian accident, a car may strike a person on foot and send them flying toward a second collision with the ground, a wall or even another vehicle. Head injuries often result and can have life-changing consequences for the victim. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) resulting from pedestrian accidents can result in severe headaches, persistent nausea, cognitive impairment, memory loss, and even personality changes.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Herniated discs, spinal fractures, and other back injuries may require surgery, hospitalization, and extensive rehabilitation. A serious injury to the back or neck can leave a victim partially or even completely paralyzed.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Whiplash, sprained and strained joints, muscle tears, and other soft tissue injuries are often more serious than they may first appear. Make sure you receive a thorough medical examination after a pedestrian accident so a doctor can ascertain the full extent of your injury.

A Texas pedestrian accident lawyer knows how to obtain maximum compensation for the serious injuries that often occur when a motor vehicle strikes a person on foot. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and other hardships you face and will continue to face as a result of a driver’s negligence. Our attorneys are here to make sure you get everything you deserve.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians

Danger of using smartphone by pedestrians on the road

By preparing ahead and following the rules of the road, you can limit the chances that you or a family member is injured in a pedestrian accident. Tips that can keep you safe while traveling on foot include:

  • Only cross the street at intersections or designated crosswalks.
  • Make eye contact with drivers to make sure they see you and understand your intention of crossing the street. Do not assume they see you.
  • Follow all traffic and pedestrian signals.
  • Before crossing, look left, right, then left once more.
  • Stay on the sidewalk whenever there is one available to you. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
  • Wear clothing and/or accessories that make you stand out. These items may include reflective jackets or vests, reflective tape, wearable lights, and light-colored clothing. Avoid wearing dark clothing.
  • Pay attention. Keep your eyes on your surroundings and not your phone.

A little caution can spare you from a pedestrian accident and all of the pain, worry, and expense that comes along with it.

Even when you exercise caution, it is sometimes impossible to avoid pedestrian accidents, especially when careless motorists speed, text while driving, and engage in other dangerous behaviors that put innocent lives at risk.

Were You Injured? We Can Help.

If you are wondering where to turn for legal help after a collision leaves you injured, the Texas pedestrian accident attorneys at Patterson Law Group are here to make a difference in your life. We are accomplished legal allies for injured pedestrians throughout Texas. Contact us to arrange a free initial consultation with a member of our legal team.

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