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Keller Personal Injury Lawyer

History of Keller, Texas

Located just a few miles north of Fort Worth, Texas, the Keller’s village was settled in the early 1850s in response to news that the Texas Pacific Railroad would extend north of the bigger city. The town is named after John C. Keller, a railroad foreman.

Over time, the woodlands around Keller and its proximity to the Trinity River attracted many more settlers looking for a steady supply of game, water, and pasture land. Keller became a prosperous trade center for the surrounding farm community and became known for its energy, diversity, and growth.

Keller, Texas Today

Modern-day Keller is home to more than 48,000 people. It covers a land area of almost 20 square miles, and over 80% of its households live in an owned property rather than a rental. Over 37% of adults over the age of 25 who live in Keller have a bachelor’s degree, making Keller one of the most “well-educated” cities in the state.

The Patterson Law Group has helped many residents of Keller with their personal injury cases over the years. Some of the most common types of personal injury cases we handle are injuries from auto accidents.

Potential Causes of Auto Accidents in Texas

In 2019, there were 560,952 car crashes in the state of Texas, according to the Texas Department of Transportation — and 32,389 of those accidents occurred in Tarrant County, Texas.

There are several potential causes of auto accidents in Texas, including the following factors:

  • Distracted driving. Drivers nowadays are distracted by their smartphones, by their car radio, or by other passengers. Even a moment of distraction can result in a severe accident.
  • Driving under the influence (DUI). Throughout the state of Texas, there were 24,617 DUI-related crashes in 2019. Of that number, 1,534 happened in Tarrant County.
  • Poor maintenance. Many auto accidents occur in part because car owners do not properly maintain their vehicles. For example, car owners that keep driving with bald tires may be unable to brake in time to avoid a collision.


6 Steps to Take Following a Car Crash

If you find yourself in a car crash, what should you do?

Here are 6 steps you should take after an auto accident:

  1. Contact the police. First and foremost, you should call the police if you’ve been in a car accident. Both drivers should stay at the scene of the accident until the police arrive.
  2. Gather information. As soon as you can, try to compile information from the scene of the accident. If possible, take pictures of the damage both cars sustained, as well as any other property damage incurred and the other driver’s license plate number.
  3. Exchange information. While you wait for the police, you should exchange key information with the other driver, such as contact details, license plate numbers, and insurance information.
  4. Get a medical evaluation. Make sure to visit your healthcare provider for a medical assessment as soon after the accident as you can. You want to know about any physical injuries from the crash as quickly as possible.
  5. Contact your insurance company. Notify your insurance company about the crash within 24 hours. They’ll be able to document what happened and keep it on file for you.
  6. Seek legal assistance. In order to receive the highest possible settlement for any injuries and damage sustained in the accident, you should seek the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.
Personal injury lawyer near Keller, Texas

Covering Your Losses After a Car Accident

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, then you must never accept a settlement offer from the other driver’s insurance or sign anything without first contacting an experienced personal injury attorney.

Your losses may include several factors, such as:

  • Repair bills for the damage to your vehicle or a total loss on your vehicle
  • Medical bills from your healthcare provider
  • Long-term healthcare expenses for pain relief (physical therapy, chiropractor, etc.)
  • Expenses related to psychological trauma
  • Lost wages from missing work

You want to make sure that the settlement you receive from the other driver’s insurance company will cover all of your losses, not just a few of them. At the Patterson Law Group, we can make sure you obtain the compensation that you deserve.


Win Your Case with Help from a Dedicated Attorney at Patterson Law Group

Our team of dedicated legal experts at Patterson Law Group can help you to navigate the personal injury claims process from beginning to end. With a dedicated and knowledgeable attorney at your side, you can avoid any pitfalls in your case and ultimately receive just restitution for your injuries and losses.

If you live in Keller, Texas, and have suffered from an auto accident or another cause, reach out to us today for a free consultation. We stand ready to assist you.

Patterson Law Group

Keller Personal Injury Lawyer

2409 Forest Park Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76110

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