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Fort Worth Tire Blowout Truck Accident Lawyer

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More than 4,300 crashes are reported yearly in Texas due to defective or slick tires. The results can be disastrous when semi-trucks and large commercial vehicles are involved in these crashes.

Due to their massive size and weight, commercial trucks are an inherent risk on the road, particularly when they travel at high speeds on highways and interstates. A tire blowout on one of these trucks can lead to catastrophic accidents, causing severe injuries and even fatalities for those in nearby passenger vehicles.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a truck tire blowout accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries and damages once liability is established. It is essential that you act quickly to take legal action to ensure the responsible party is held to account.

At Patterson Law Group, our Fort Worth tire blowout truck accident lawyers have the experience and knowledge to determine who is responsible for the tire blowout and what compensation you may be eligible to receive.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case with a dedicated Fort Worth tire blowout truck accident attorney.

What Causes Truck Tire Blowout Accidents?

Truck tires are engineered to handle immense pressure. An unloaded commercial truck typically weighs between 10,000 and 35,000 pounds. When loaded, that weight can increase to as much as 80,000 pounds.

Given the enormous weight these trucks carry and the hundreds of miles they travel daily, it is easy to see how even a minor issue can lead to a tire blowout. In many cases, truck tire blowouts are caused by human error, which can result in devastating consequences.

Some of the most common causes of truck tire blowouts include:

  • Road Hazards: State Departments of Transportation are responsible for maintaining safe road conditions, but inclement weather and poor maintenance can lead to potholes and other hazards that cause tire blowouts. In Texas, where temperatures fluctuate dramatically, roads are often compromised by cracks and potholes, increasing the risk of tire blowouts.
  • Improper Tire Inflation: The correct tire pressure is crucial in preventing blowouts. Overinflated tires can pop due to the heat and friction they generate, while underinflated tires can crack or split under the truck’s weight. In either case, the consequences can be catastrophic.
  • Wear and Tear: Like any other vehicle, truck tires must be replaced once the tread wears down. Worn-out tires are more susceptible to blowouts, especially when encountering road debris or potholes. Regular inspections and timely replacement are essential to prevent such accidents.
  • Overloaded Cargo: Federal regulations impose strict weight limits on commercial trucks to prevent excessive pressure on tires. Exceeding these limits can cause tires to stretch beyond their capacity, leading to blowouts. Unfortunately, some trucking companies may ignore these regulations in favor of larger payloads, putting everyone at risk.

Additional Causes of Truck Tire Blowouts

Truck tire blowouts are particularly common in summer when heat increases the likelihood of tire failure. Other contributing factors include hitting debris or potholes, using defective or recalled tires, failing to perform necessary inspections, and improper cargo loading.

Neglecting routine maintenance, using mismatched or previously used tires, and ignoring manufacturer recalls can all lead to blowouts.

When a truck tire blows out while carrying a full load, the vehicle can change speed or direction, leading to serious accidents such as jackknifing, head-on collisions, chain-reaction crashes, and rollovers.

Additionally, the truck’s cargo may be thrown from the vehicle, posing further danger to other drivers, pedestrians, and children in the area.

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Who Might Be Liable for My Truck Tire Blowout Accident?

Because human error causes most truck tire blowouts, accidents resulting from these blowouts are typically at-fault accidents. This means you can file a lawsuit against the responsible party.

However, determining liability is essential before proceeding with a lawsuit. In some cases, multiple parties may share liability, and you may need to file more than one lawsuit. You may also have grounds for a product liability lawsuit against the tire manufacturer or retailer, depending on the circumstances.

Potentially liable parties include:

  • The Truck Operator: Many truck operators are independent contractors responsible for maintaining and repairing their vehicles. If the tire blowout occurred due to the operator’s negligence in maintaining the tires, they could be held liable. A Fort Worth truck accident attorney can help determine if the truck operator is at fault.
  • The Trucking Company: Companies that own commercial trucks are responsible for regular inspections and maintenance. If they fail to conduct proper inspections, ignore tire issues, or keep inadequate records, they may be liable for accidents resulting from a tire blowout. A truck accident lawyer in Fort Worth can investigate the trucking company’s maintenance practices to determine liability.
  • The Repair Company: Many trucking companies outsource repairs and maintenance to third-party companies. If a repair company fails to properly inspect or maintain the tires, they could be held accountable. Inadequate repairs or oversight can lead to a blowout, making the repair company a potential defendant in your case.
  • The Tire Manufacturer: The manufacturer may be liable if a tire blowout is due to a defect. This could involve defective design or manufacturing processes that make the tire prone to blowouts. If the manufacturer failed to recall defective tires, they could be held responsible for any accidents. A catastrophic injury lawyer in Fort Worth, Texas, can help you pursue a product liability claim against the manufacturer.

Determining the true cause of a truck tire blowout is crucial in holding the responsible parties accountable. A thorough investigation is necessary to uncover whether the blowout was due to the negligence of the truck operator, inadequate maintenance by the trucking company, faulty repairs by a third-party service provider, or a defect in the tire itself.

This investigation will identify the liable parties and strengthen your case as you seek compensation for your injuries or loss. Working with a skilled Fort Worth truck accident attorney ensures that all aspects of the accident are examined and all responsible parties are pursued to secure the justice and financial recovery you deserve.

What Kind of Lawsuit Do I File?

You may be eligible for financial compensation if you have been injured in a truck tire blowout accident. The type of lawsuit you file depends on who is liable for the blowout.

The two most common lawsuits in these cases are wrongful death and product liability:

  • Wrongful Death Case: If a family member was killed in a truck tire blowout accident, you could file a wrongful death claim. Depending on your relationship with the deceased, you might be entitled to compensation for lost wages, funeral expenses, medical bills, and loss of companionship. A Fort Worth truck accident attorney can help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
  • Product Liability Case: If a defective tire caused the accident, you could file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer. These claims may involve defective design or manufacturing, and you must prove that the defect directly caused the accident and your losses. A tire blowout truck accident attorney in Fort Worth can assist in building a strong product liability case.

If you face the aftermath of a truck tire blowout accident, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your rights and secure the compensation you are entitled to. Legal matters can be complex, especially when dealing with catastrophic injuries or the loss of a loved one.

Whether pursuing a wrongful death claim or a product liability lawsuit, having an experienced Fort Worth truck accident attorney by your side can make all the difference.

At Patterson Law Group, our dedicated team is ready to guide you through every step of the legal process, ensuring your case is handled with the care and attention it deserves. Contact us today to discuss your options and begin the path toward recovery and justice.

What Should I Do After a Truck Accident Caused by a Blown Tire?

If you are involved in a truck tire blowout accident, take the following steps to ensure your safety and protect your right to compensation:

  • Notify local law enforcement and request a crash report.
  • Seek immediate medical attention, even if you think your injuries are minor.
  • Take photos of the vehicles and the accident scene.
  • Collect contact information from the truck driver and any witnesses.
  • Note the trucking company the driver was working for and obtain their insurance details.
  • Contact a reputable truck accident attorney in Fort Worth who is experienced in handling tire blowout cases.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer?

The aftermath of a truck tire blowout accident can be overwhelming and stressful. Filing a lawsuit may add to this stress, but an experienced attorney can help alleviate the burden by:

  • Providing an objective perspective based on experience.
  • Handling all the paperwork and filings on your behalf.
  • Advising you of your rights and the legal process.
  • Calculating the total value of your claim.
  • Conducting a thorough investigation of your accident.
  • Offering support when you need it most.
  • Negotiating for the maximum settlement possible.

Contact Our Truck Accident Attorney in Fort Worth Today

The financial hardships faced by personal injury victims are often significant. To help ease this burden, the truck accident attorneys at Patterson Law Group do not charge any upfront fees.

If you were injured in a truck tire blowout accident, we can help you seek the maximum compensation for your injuries and losses. Schedule your free and confidential case review by contacting our Fort Worth tire blowout truck accident lawyer team today.

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