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Plano Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

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Taking a motorcycle out on the town is a popular and enjoyable pastime for thousands of Texas drivers. In Plano, Texas, motorcycle riders can have a lot of fun enjoying the beautiful outdoors on their bikes. 

But with so many motorcycles on the road, there are many chances for motorcycle accidents to happen. In Plano and other Texas areas, many have suffered from motorcycle crashes that led to serious injuries and personal losses. 

After a motorcycle accident, motorcycle riders need to seek medical attention and consult a Plano, Texas, motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. 


Best Type Of Lawyer For Motorcycle Accidents 

Unfortunately, there’s no lawyer trained in law school as a “motorcycle accident” lawyer. However, lawyers can study an area of law to prepare them for dealing with a motorcycle accident. 

Personal injury law, a branch of civil law. Personal injury lawyers learn all there is to know about making a claim and recovering compensation for victims who have suffered personal injuries. 

As personal injury lawyers, Patterson Law Group has perfected supporting personal injury victims and calculating the compensation these people deserve from their accidents.  

If you need a motorcycle accident lawyer, seek a personal injury attorney to help you calculate and negotiate your claim against the at-fault driver. 

Do I Have A Personal Injury Claim For My Motorcycle Accident? 

Texas statutes outline the rules for dealing with personal injury cases. Any person is allowed to bring a claim against another person responsible for their accident if they are 50% or more responsible

There are a few things you have to prove to be eligible for a personal injury claim. Establishing these items increases your chances of winning your claim and earning compensation that will help recover what you have lost.  

  • You must prove the person you are suing owed you a duty of care (on the roads, every driver owes others a duty to drive well and prevent accidents and injuries). 
  • You must prove that they breached their duty. 
  • You must prove that their breach of duty led to the accident. 
  • You must prove that the accident they caused led to severe injuries and suffering for you. 

If you can check these items off the list, you will have a strong claim to make against the person responsible for your crash.  

Plano Texas motorcycle accident lawyer

How Much Is A Motorcycle Accident Case Worth Near Plano, Texas? 

No lawyer can name an exact worth for a motorcycle accident. The value of each case will vary significantly depending on the circumstances of the accident, including the severity of injuries and the number of other losses sustained. 

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the cost of motorcycle accidents can come up to at least $242 billion over a single year. This amount covers medical expenses, property repair, and workplace losses. 

When taking into account societal losses (lost relationships, life enjoyment, etc.), the costs come to something more like $836 billion.  

After your accident, get in touch with a lawyer to calculate an amount for your claim. You will have to consider your medical expenses, property expenses, and personal losses, among other things.  

Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents Near Plano, TX 

There are many causes of motorcycle accidents. Many accidents are caused by car drivers who fail to see motorcycles or drive unsafely around them. Some of the more common causes of motorcycle accidents near Plano include: 

  • Low visibility. Many accidents happen because car drivers don’t see motorcycles. This can be caused by a glare from the sun, bad weather, or the dark of night.  
  • Left turns. Unfortunately, it is common for cars to try and turn left in front of oncoming motorcycles, either because they don’t notice them or misjudge their speed. These left turns can cause serious T-bone collisions. 
  • Blind spots. If car drivers forget to check their blind spots when switching lanes, it’s not uncommon for them to hit a motorcycle driver who is coming up alongside them. 
  • Drunk driving. Drunk drivers are common in Texas, but they are extremely dangerous. A drunk driver will have dulled senses, making it harder for them to see and react to dangerous situations.  


Types Of Damages That Can Be Collected After A Plano Motorcycle Accident 

When taking into account what you have lost in a motorcycle accident, you’ll have to consider the economic losses you’ve suffered as well as non-economic losses and suffering.  

The damages you can collect include: 

  • Property damage expenses
  • Medical costs, both present and future (if your injury will need long-term care)
  • Lost wages and future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Loss of consortium
  • Scarring, disfigurement, and disability

There may be other kinds of damages you can collect, depending on your crash. If you want to know exactly how much you can claim, get in touch with a personal injury attorney. 

Contact Patterson Law Group’s Top Plano, TX Motorcycle Accident Attorney 

At Patterson Law Group, our motorcycle accident attorneys are passionate about helping our clients seek and find the justice they deserve. With a combined 80+ years, we have fought for and won millions for innocent victims of motorcycle accidents.  

Don’t hesitate to seek out support from a personal injury lawyer after your motorcycle accident. We want to see you get back to life as soon as possible with the compensation you need to recover well. 

After your Plano, Texas motorcycle crash, get in touch with our team at Patterson Law Group for a free consultation today. We are standing by!  

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