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The 7 Most Dangerous Colleges in the South

The 7 Most Dangerous Colleges in the South
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When choosing a college, most students and parents focus on academic programs, campus amenities, and the overall college experience. However, safety should be a top priority, especially in the Southern United States, where certain colleges have developed reputations for being particularly dangerous.

Here, you can learn about the southern colleges that are considered dangerous and why. This information can help guide your decision regarding where to go to school and help you stay safe.

If you are involved in an accident or are injured because of someone else’s negligence, Texas personal injury attorneys at Patterson Law Group are here to help. We can review your case and help you understand your legal rights and options.

Criteria for Ranking the Most Dangerous Colleges

To determine the danger levels of these colleges, we considered several key factors: crime statistics, student reports, and the effectiveness of safety measures. Our goal is to provide transparency and help students and parents make informed decisions.

It’s important to understand that while many colleges take significant steps to ensure safety, some campuses still face ongoing challenges. This list isn’t meant to deter prospective students but to raise awareness and encourage colleges to enhance their safety protocols.

The Most Dangerous Colleges in The South

Although there is potential for harm on any college campus, some universities have a much higher crime rate than others.

Texas A&M University, College Station

Texas A&M University in College Station is a well-known institution but also has a concerning safety record. Recent statistics show that Texas A&M University – College Station saw 1,072 reported crime and safety incidents involving students on or near campus or at other school-affiliated locations.

With a student population of 68,726, this translates to approximately 15.6 incidents for every 1,000 students. The most common crimes include possession and violence against women. 15.4% of arrests involved major crimes.

For anyone affected by an incident at Texas A&M, a personal injury lawyer in Texas can provide crucial legal support. If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of the university or another party, you may be entitled to compensation.

Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University (MSU) has also faced its share of safety concerns. Crime rates on campus have fluctuated over the years, with issues ranging from property crimes to violent incidents. One of the most alarming cases involved a student who was the victim of a serious assault, raising concerns about the adequacy of campus security.

Recent statistics show that Mississippi State University reported 280 crime and safety incidents involving students on or near campus or at other university-related locations. With 22,226 students, there were about 12.6 incidents for every 1,000 students.

Texas State University

Texas State University saw an increase in serious crimes between 2021 and 2022. This includes a 135% increase in reported rapes and a 200% increase in both aggravated assault reports and hate crimes.

The administration at Texas State has responded by enhancing campus lighting and increasing the presence of security personnel. However, these measures have not completely alleviated the concerns. If you or someone you know has been impacted by a dangerous situation at Texas State, consulting with a Fort Worth injury lawyer can be a crucial step in seeking justice and compensation.

Auburn University at Montgomery

Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) has earned a spot on this list due to its ongoing safety concerns. The campus has experienced several high-profile incidents that have put students on edge, including violent confrontations and property crimes that have become all too common.

In 2022, one rape, seven assaults, and three burglaries were among some of the most serious crimes reported on campus.

Tulane University

Tulane University in New Orleans is known for its academic excellence but faces significant safety challenges. The crime rate in the surrounding area has spilled over onto the campus, leading to several concerning incidents. From armed robberies to assaults, Tulane students have been exposed to dangerous situations. University of Florida in Gainesville

The University of Florida in Gainesville is one of the largest and most well-known universities in the South, but it’s not without its safety issues. The campus has seen numerous incidents, including thefts, assaults, and even hate crimes. In 2023, the campus saw a dramatic increase in sexual battery and rape reports.

East Georgia State College

East Georgia State College is a smaller institution, but it faces its own set of safety challenges. The campus has experienced various incidents, including rape, fondling, aggravated assault, and burglary.

Taking Legal Action

If you’ve been a victim of a crime on a college campus, you may have legal options to seek justice and compensation. Depending on the circumstances, you could file a claim against the perpetrator, the college, or other responsible parties for negligence or failure to provide adequate security.

If your claim is successful, you may be entitled to damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, and more. Filing an injury claim can be confusing, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Call our personal injury lawyer in Texas to discuss your case and explore your options to protect your rights and well-being.

The Role of a Texas Personal Injury Attorney

Campus safety is a critical issue that should not be overlooked. If you or a loved one has been injured in an incident on a Southern college campus, seeking legal advice is essential.

A personal injury lawyer in Texas at Patterson Law Group can help you understand your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. You don’t have to go through this challenging time alone, whether it’s due to negligence, inadequate security, or another party’s wrongdoing.

Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step toward justice.

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