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Forest Hill Personal Injury Lawyer

History of Forest Hill, Texas

Located between Fort Worth and Arlington along the I-20 corridor in Tarrant County, Forest Hill, Texas began as a small farming area. Originally named Brambleton Station, Forest Hill, Texas, transitioned from a village to a city due to population growth from 300 to over 13,000 according to the city’s historical records.

Forest Hill, Texas Today

Dubbed the “City with a Heart” at one time, Forest Hill, Texas proudly touts low unemployment rates and more than 70% minority rates.

This makes Forest Hill, Texas driven to “provide quality family living, a thriving economic base for local businesses and a broad range of events and functions for our citizens,” according to the city’s website.



Common Types of Car Accidents in Texas

Texas reports one of the highest motor accident rates in the country. According to the 2018 Texas Department of Transportation report, nearly 15,000 crashes resulted in serious injury, while almost 4,000 resulted in fatalities.

Of those fatalities:


      • 1,289 were single-vehicle, run-off-the-road crashes

      • 940 involved a driver under the influence of alcohol

      • 621 were pedestrians

      • 418 were motorcyclists

      • 398 involved distracted driving

      • 72 were pedal cyclists

    No matter what type of accident you are in, Patterson Law Group has the knowledge to help you.  If we believe you have a viable case, we will investigate your situation, file your claim or lawsuit, and fight for the payout we believe you deserve. Contact our lawyers at (817) 784-2000 to get in touch with our experienced lawyers.

    Forest Hill, Texas car accident lawyer

    Most Reported Car Accident Damages

    Car accident damages are usually divided into three categories: physical damage to the vehicle, physical damage to the person(s) injured, and future/perceived damages.

    Physical damage to the vehicle is often unseen. Car accident damages can include obvious dents and scrapes, but you may have internal issues with the axle and systems, which is why it is important to get estimates from a licensed, professional mechanic. You might consider getting more than one estimate.

    Physical damage to the person or persons injured is also often unseen. It’s essential to seek medical attention right after an accident to receive proper care and to determine any potential internal issues. Sometimes, injuries do not surface until well after a car accident, so it’s important to follow-up with your primary care physician and follow your medical professionals’ advice.

    Future and perceived damages include a wide array of issues involving both your vehicle and your person. For example, if your vehicle needs repairs, you may need a rental vehicle. You may miss work due to the accident. You may face lengthy counseling for the trauma from an accident.

    No matter what your damages may be, Patterson Law Group is here to help. Call us at (817) 784-2000 for your free case review with one of our Forest Hill, Texas injury lawyers.

    Personal injury lawyer Forest Hill, Texas

    Know Your Rights After a Car Accident

    It’s important to know your rights after a car accident, but if you’re trying to understand the Texas Transportation Code, you may start drowning in the details.

    After a car accident, take the following steps to ensure your rights.


        1. Check the scene for injuries and danger–seek medical attention immediately if injured!

        1. Move to safety and call 911

        1. Call the police

        1. Gather information from the other parties involved in the crash, including witnesses

        1. Take photos

        1. Record what happened

        1. Double-check yourself for injuries–record any injuries!

        1. Contact us at Patterson Law Group

      At Patterson Law Group, our team is committed to excellence. We know your rights and will work hard to protect them with our experienced legal team. Protect yourself and your rights by calling us at (817) 784-2000.



      Patterson Law Group

      Forest Hill Personal Injury Lawyer

      2409 Forest Park Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76110

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