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Flower Mound Personal Injury Lawyer

History of Flower Mound, Texas

Located in Denton and Tarrant County, Flower Mound, Texas, was officially established in 1961. The history of Flower Mound, Texas, begins with strong religious ties. Edward Bates shares Flower Mound, Texas’s history in History and Reminiscences of Denton County; “…the Presbyterians established a church and campground [sic]; they called it Flower Mound. Everybody was welcome, and an annual camp meeting was held there for about thirty years.”

The town derived its name from a hill that stands more than 650 feet above sea level and 50 feet above the surrounding area where wildflowers grow in abundance according to the Flower Mound, Texas website.

Flower Mound, Texas Today

Like the wildflowers of its namesake, Flower Mound, Texas, 25 miles northeast of Fort Worth, has seen exponential growth since inception. From 1970-2000, Flower Mound, Texas, saw an average growth of 213% each decade, which has left the town with a population of over 76,000, according to the North Central Texas Council of Governments.

Flower Mound, Texas values education, service, and community. This is seen in three key innovative ways: The Summit (oldest service organization est. 1974), Flower Mound Youth Action Council (a group of 14-19-year-old Flower Mound teens who want to make a difference), and “It’s Your Call” (a hotline to submit concerns and requests to improve the community).

Flower mound, Texas personal injury lawyer

How Common Are Car Accidents in Texas?

Car accidents in Texas are all too common. According to the 2018 Texas Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Facts from the Texas Department of Transportation, nearly a quarter of a million people were injured in motor vehicle accidents.

That amount equates to:

  • 1 crash every 58 seconds
  • 1 injured every 2 minutes
  • 1 killed every 2.5 hours

Car accidents in Texas are too common, but Patterson Law Group can help you avoid being overwhelmed. To discuss your case and how to get compensation, call us at (817) 784-2000.


What Should I Do After A Car Accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident in Texas, be sure to take the following helpful steps:

  1. Check the scene for injuries and danger–seek medical attention immediately if injured!
  2. Move to safety and call 911
  3. Call the police
  4. Gather information from the other parties involved in the crash, including witnesses
  5. Take photos
  6. Record what happened
  7. Double-check yourself for injuries–record any injuries!
  8. Contact us at Patterson Law Group

How Can I Seek Damages?

After an accident, figuring out your next steps is often overwhelming and confusing. To seek damages, you have to act and contact us at the Patterson Law Group immediately.

We at Patterson Law Group will schedule a meeting with you, one or more of our attorneys, and senior paralegal staff to understand your perspective on your car accident case. Call us today at (817) 784-2000. In our efforts to help you achieve justice, we analyze every situation uniquely to determine your needs and how we can help you seek the reparations you deserve on your car accident settlement.

Personal Injury lawyer near Flower Mound, Texas

Get in Touch With a Patterson Law Group Attorney Who Will Fight for Your Case

While there is little doubt that you need an attorney, finding the right attorney is more important. If you want a team of attorneys who will fight for your case, Patterson Law Group is for you.

From the moment you encounter our professional, caring staff, you will understand just how much Patterson Law Group is here for you. Take a look at our experienced, family-oriented team to get to know us better and contact us at (817) 784-2000.

Patterson Law Group

Flower Mound Personal Injury Lawyer

2409 Forest Park Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76110

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